Fast Shopper, Slow Store
14 March 2024
1 min read

In simpler times, one could put up a "store opening” sign and inflate a few dozen balloons, and consumers would line up outside. There was a period when a product could be marketed based on a catchy jingle, an eye-catching flyer, or an enticing coupon.
You could neatly categorise your consumers with monikers like “Traditional Tracey”, “Stressed Susanna”, or “Variety-Loving Vicky”. There seemed to be more orders, and retailers’ assumptions about shoppers were consistently accurate and measurable. The world felt like a safer place.
Those were the halcyon days when brands were at the centre of the universe, and shoppers revolved around them. Then, something went awry.
Retailers lost their edge, and consumers began to shop around. Why go to the store when the store comes to me? They mused. Convenience overshadowed loyalty; seemingly overnight, many brands and retailers began to orbit alone.
It may appear that digital technology has rudely disrupted the newspaper industry and music labels, and is now reimagining the mall However, technology alone is not the sole culprit; retailers have failed to engage consumers and, by doing so, have lost their connection with them. Bricks-and-mortar stores will remain, but their business models and relationships with consumers are evolving. The store’s walls have become permeable, and the principles of plan-o-gramming, shopper marketing, and customer loyalty have entered a new era.
Are you ready to join this retail revolution?
Let us reinvent shopping together. Become a leader in this new era of retail, where the customer and the experience hold the highest importance.
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J.J. Thompson